Picture this: You’ve worked your hiney off on your blog. You’ve perfected every published post and ensured every hyperlink actually links to something. You’ve lost 6 pounds sweating over content, SEO, plug-ins, disclosures, marketing, affiliates, branding, images, traffic, getting subscribers, and on…and on… Then, just when your confidence has peaked, you’ve figured out how to send a newsletter e-mail (or… View Post
Strap In & Hold On…Change Is Coming and Your NICHE Matters!
Your chosen blog niche can make or destroy your happiness, crush your blog success and create the dreaded burn-out often referred to in the blogging community. It was just under 4 months ago that I was a “noob” (aka “newbie”, “newbster”, “rookie”…I have a teenager) in the blogging space. Passion, excitement and feelings of being overwhelmed were all too… View Post